Assalam o alikum Alhamdollillah by the Grace of Almighty Allah and Wasilla of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ SPIRITUAL SOCIETY CANADA is pleased to announce that we are reopening SSCI Masjid from Friday, June 12th, 2020. Masjid will reopen for all 5 times daily prayers with limitations of 35 people at a time. We will have 4 Jumu'ah(Friday) prayers with restrictions below. Musallies will be allowed on first come first served basis, no exceptions For your safety, we would like to ensure that all the precautions are in place in addition to following all the necessary government regulations therefore we ask for your support to make this successful. Please follow the instructions of our volunteers Protocols : - Anyone experiencing any symptoms of illness should not attend (fever, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, etc). - Those with pre-existing health conditions are advised not to attend. - Attendees are required to bring their own prayer mats. - Attendees will be required to maintain social distancing from others, including during prayer. Prayer areas will be clearly marked. - Washroom facilities will not be made available. Please ensure that you attend with wudhu’. - Attendees are required to wear face masks at all times. Including Namaz. - Children under the age of 14 are not permitted to attend at this time. - Attendees are expected to leave at the conclusion of prayers (sunnah prayers should be performed at home) with no socializing or hanging out happening on the grounds of the masjid that includes outside in the parking lot. - please note the Jumuah service will be shortened so arriving late will result in missing the prayer. First Jumu'ah prayer 1:30 pm 2nd Jumu'ah prayer. 1:45pm 3rd Jumu'ah prayer 2:15 pm 4th Jumu'ah Prayer 3:30 pm Jazakallah and keep supporting SSCI. May Almighty Allah bless all of us with his mercy and grace by the sadqa of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Aameen